Sunday, 19 December 2021

2021 Minor Singles Championship Final


2021 Minor Singles
The Final of the UBMBC 2021 Minor Singles Final was played today (18/12/2021), between George Boni and Geoff Godwin.
It was a very good game, with Geoff Godwin winning by 30 - 15. Congratulations to both Geoff and George on making the Final, in this tough competition. Well marked by Jim Phillips (last year's winner of this title).
Minor Singles Runner up G. Boni

2021 Minor Singles Champion - G. Godwin


2021 Triples Championship Final

2021  Triples winners, P. Watson, A. Rhodes, M. Hogden

The Final of the UBMBC 2021 Triples Championship was played this afternoon (18/12/2021) between Grant Watson, Arthur Glynn & Paul Maher Vs Paul Watson, Allan Rhodes & Mark Hogden.
This was a classic game of good draw bowls and well weighted shots. Paul Watson, Allan Rhodes and Mark Hogden defeating Grant Watson, Arthur Glynn & Paul Maher 30 - 12.
Congratulations to all players. To rub salt into the wound (for all the other bowlers this afternoon), the Triples Final teams won both the Winning & Losing rink prize money....
Triples Runners up, G. Watson, A. Glynn, P. Maher


Saturday, 11 December 2021

Bob Penson Memorial Day Challenge

The inaugural Bob Penson Memorial Challenge was held this afternoon (10/12/2021) in windy, gusty, sunny, rainy conditions. The black cloud threatened all afternoon, but we were able to get the three games of 10 ends in.
The event was very well supported, with many of Bob’s old mates playing, including Lindsay Adamson, Ian Jarratt, Vic Gauci and Joe & Rose Ednie. Ian and Lyndsay gave a lovely tribute to Bob, which the attendees really appreciated. Cheryl Ryan (Bob’s long-time partner) was thanked for instigating and sponsoring this very special event. The event winners were:
    1st 3 Wins + 25 Robin Hill, Gale Hill & Peter Springett (representing Bowls Central Coast)
    2nd 3 Wins + 20 Yvonne Gordon, Carol Boyd & Shane Waddell.
    3rd 3 Wins + 19 Meena Kelso, Joan Murphy & Terry Murphy
    4th 3 Wins + 12 Judy Brown, Carol Catchpool & Terry Brown

The 1st placed Winners also get their names engraved on the inaugural ‘Bob Penson Memorial Challenge Day’ trophy.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the event, which we hope will become an annual fixture. Special thanks again to Cheryl Ryan for the great day. Sensational to see you playing again...